Tuesday 15 March 2011

wordmagnet- an interesting tool to learn vocabulary

Website of the day: wordmagnet

What is this?

Once download the application to the computer, users can create a space to shift around words which they paste. There are loads of interesting backgrounds with different purposes. Users can play with the language  and organize their  ideas of sentence structures.      

Monday 14 March 2011

Elllo -- English Language Listening Library Online

Website of the day: Elllo

What is this?

Elllo is a really fantastic website with over 1000 free listening practices and activities with pictures, videos, downladable MP 3 and much more. These practices are extremely helpful for students and teachers. What makes the listening resource unique is that the speakers of these listening practice come from all over the world with different accents. Besides, the genres of listening practice include interviews in audio or video format, conversation, casual talk or speech.

Eyercize:Online speed reading training

Website of the day: Eyercize

What is this?

It is a free online tool for learners to increase their reading speed. Learners can paste whatever text they would like to speed read, setting the number of words per chunk and begin to read!

Sunday 6 March 2011

A fun cartoon making site-- Zimmer Twins

Website of the day: Zimmer Twins

What is this?

It is an interesting website devoted to children for making animated stories. Students can make their own animation, adding the dialogues and on-screen text.

Monday 28 February 2011


Website of the day: Slideshare

What is this?

Slideshare provides users the platform to share PowerPoint, keynote and PDF files presentations. Users can upload  the slides publicly or privately only sharing with their target viewers and download slides for free and get better ideas of the teaching materials.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Design your own webquest by QuestGarden

Website of the day: a useful website to design your own webquest --- QuestGarden

What is this?

 As mentioned in its official website mentioned, "QuestGarden is an online authoring tool, community and hosting service that is designed to make it easier and quicker to create a high quality WebQuest."  (http://questgarden.com/author/overview.php ) QuestGarden is a brilliant tool for teachers to create and share their own webquests because it offers clear guides on how to make a webquest.

Saturday 19 February 2011

A interesting webquest- movie review

Website of the day : An great example of webquest ---                                                           Movie Presentation 

What is this?

It is a brilliant webquest suitable for pre-intermediate students to advanced students. The task is to have students present their favorite movie to the whole class in a catchy way, persuading other students to vote for it.

Friday 18 February 2011


Website of the day: an interesting example of Webquest
                                   -- Willywonka navigation

What is this?
It is a great and motivating webquest for elementary students. It exemplifies what a normal webquest will cover: introduction, task, process, evaluation, conclusion. Besides, there are two versions of the webquest page. One is for students and the other is for teachers as a teachers' guide page.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Webquest--An alternative way to learn English through a project

What is this?

According to the founder of WebQuest fromWebQuest.org, "a  WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web." Generally speaking, a webquest is composed of 6 parts: introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion. Teachers can either create their own webquests or adopt those available webquests shared by others. Depending on the task of each webquest, students might have to give a presentation, design a website, write a report and so on.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

World Englih- online quizzes

Website of the day: world English -- online quizzes  

What is this?
It is a great website with not only quizzes but loads of learning resources. The website is particularly useful for those teachers who do not have time to make quizzes for every lesson and grammar rules.  

BBC online quizzes

Website of the day:  BBC online quizzes - a great website to learn English through interesting activities.

What is this?
It is a excellent website with much resources and various online quizzes with printable versions. It is beneficial for both teachers and learners.

A4ESL-online quizzes

Website of the day: A4ESL -  a resourceful online quiz website.

What is this?

It is a good website which provides plenty of online quizzes in different categories like vocabulary and grammar and in various levels of difficulty.

Sunday 13 February 2011

MailVU-- Making Videomail!

Website of the day:  mailVU : making and sending video emails easily.

What is this?

MailVU is a online service which allows the users to record a video email up to 10 minutes, enter an email address of the recipient with a short text message, and send the video email.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Vocaroo-- Free online recording tool

Website of the day : Vocaroo  - A free on-online voice recording service.

What is this?
It is a free on-line  voice recording service which basically functions just like Internet voicemail.  Users can  record their voice and send  the file to others through email. In addition, they can even embed in the link of their voice file to their blog, publish it to the website and downloaded.

Audioboo --Free onine recording service!

Website of the day:   http://audioboo.fm/

What is this?

It is a great website for both teachers and students to record themselves up up to 5 minutes and share the sound file to one another. Audioboo is also a application which can be downloaded free on smartphohes so that users can record themselves or the sound they hear anytime and anywhere.

Sunday 30 January 2011

CNN Student News

Today’s website: CNN Student News.

What is it?
The website provides a large amount of news videos, each of which has transcripts, discussion questions, and news quizzes. New video made based on the recent important news will be uploaded from Monday to Friday. It is suitable for intermediate to advanced learners.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Wordia--Let people tell you what the words means!

Today's website: Wordia

What is it about?

It is a brilliant unique and interesting on-line dictionary for intermediate to advanced English learners to learn vocabulary. As the slogan of the website goes, Wordia “bring words to life”. This website provides not only standard definitions of words from Collins English Electronic Dictionary (Digital Edition: 2008 © HarperCollins Publishers 2008) but also videos in which both famous and ordinary people can give their own definitions and connotations of words.


Today's website: Wordle

What is this? 

It is a fun and interesting tool which generate word clouds from a piece of text. Wordle not only creates an artitic image of word clouds but also extracts the most commonly occuring words from the specific text or website. It is simple and easy to use that users only  have to paste a text or add the URL of a blog, the RSS Feed of a webpage. Besides, Wordle also provides a variety of options in terms of layout, color, font.

It is suitatble for both teachers and students to create their own unique word clouds in language classroom. 

Friday 28 January 2011

wordsift- Learning English in a visual and interesting way with tag clouds

Today's website: wordsift

What is this?

It is an excellent tool to learn English in a playful and interesting way. It can automatically select the most important words from a text and then transfer them to a map of tag cloud. When clicking each tag, students can easily check the meaning, synonyms or its relationship with other words by the online dictionary “Visual Thesaurus”, which is combined in the website. Besides, there are also some pictures in association with every tagged word.  

The website is suitable for every English teacher.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Ted: Ideas worth spreading

Today's website: TED: ideas worth spreading
Source: http://www.ted.com/

 What is this?

It is an amazing website with over 700 best talks, which are subtitled in English and even in other various languages. Originally, the talks are given by great people in the field Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED). However, the website now has more topics other than the three fields. These videos are freely shared and reposted so that English teachers can use the video clips on the website to amplify the depth and width of our teaching materials.       

Wednesday 26 January 2011

BreakingNewsEnglish: Brilliant teaching resource

Website of the day: BreakingNewsEnglish

What is this?

It is a brilliant website for teachers to teach English news. The news is updated every two or three days. What the teacher have to do is to select a piece of news which will be interesting for their target students and then adopt the activities provided. There are a variety of ready-made activities and they are free of charge.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Todaysmeet - Online discussion space!

Website of the day: Todaysmeet


What is this?

It is a free chat room service that allows users to create an instant back channel for either a classroom or presentation. It’s simple, easy and free of charge. To create the chat room, you only have to type in the name for your room, which later will become the particular URL of your chat room, and select the length of time you would like to have the chat room exist. Afterwards, all you have to do is to give the URL to your students.   

lyricstraining-Practice listening and having fun!

Today's website: Lyrics training

What is this?

It’s an excellent websites with many popular music videos whereby students can enjoy listening to their favorite songs while typing the lyrics they just heard. In every music video of the website, there are three modes of exercises based on the levels of students: beginner, intermediate, or expert.  Teachers no longer have to print out the lyrics or press the buttons on the CD player again and again to find the certain parts of the song.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Listen-and-Write -- Fantastic website to practice listening!

Website of the day: Listen and write

What is this?

It is a website that we can use to improve listening ability in particular. It contains various video clips and audio files, each of which includes three activities which learners can write down what they have heard: full mode, quick mode, and blank mode.