Tuesday 15 March 2011

wordmagnet- an interesting tool to learn vocabulary

Website of the day: wordmagnet

What is this?

Once download the application to the computer, users can create a space to shift around words which they paste. There are loads of interesting backgrounds with different purposes. Users can play with the language  and organize their  ideas of sentence structures.      

Why is good for language learning?

  • Once downloaded the application in the computer, there is no need to have Internet to use the tool.  
  • Wordmagnet can visualize the relations among new words.  

  •  Students can expand their vocabulary and make use of the words. Besides, they can learn vocabulary in chunks.  
  • Students can improve their writing skills. During the process of combining words into a complete sentences,  students can be aware of the sentence structure.

  • Students can gradually practice adding new words to the word list and expand the sentences based on their preference and creativity.  

Classroom use
  • Teachers can give students (a) one or two sentences from the textbook (b) a English song or (c) a poem and have students mix all the words together with the application. Students have to make the sentences complete again.
  • Teachers, during and after teaching vocabulary, can use Wordmagnet to make associations of different words.   
  • Teachers can provide very simple sentence like" I went to school today. I had fun." Students are asked to add more elements(words) to the sentences and make them more interesting and complete. Students can work in groups.
  • Teachers can use wordmagent to explain sentence structures.

  • Users have to download the application first, which takes time and requires Adobe air.  
  • It takes time to be familiarizee with Wordmagnet. Besides, there are many backgrounds to choose from. Teachers have to practice using them first.     
  •  It might takes even much longer time to explain a simple idea since the teacher have to shift the words around and make them colorful. 
How to use it? 
To learn more about how to use Wordmagnet, please click here to watch a fantastic training video made by Russeel Stannard.

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