Tuesday 15 March 2011

wordmagnet- an interesting tool to learn vocabulary

Website of the day: wordmagnet

What is this?

Once download the application to the computer, users can create a space to shift around words which they paste. There are loads of interesting backgrounds with different purposes. Users can play with the language  and organize their  ideas of sentence structures.      

Monday 14 March 2011

Elllo -- English Language Listening Library Online

Website of the day: Elllo

What is this?

Elllo is a really fantastic website with over 1000 free listening practices and activities with pictures, videos, downladable MP 3 and much more. These practices are extremely helpful for students and teachers. What makes the listening resource unique is that the speakers of these listening practice come from all over the world with different accents. Besides, the genres of listening practice include interviews in audio or video format, conversation, casual talk or speech.

Eyercize:Online speed reading training

Website of the day: Eyercize

What is this?

It is a free online tool for learners to increase their reading speed. Learners can paste whatever text they would like to speed read, setting the number of words per chunk and begin to read!

Sunday 6 March 2011

A fun cartoon making site-- Zimmer Twins

Website of the day: Zimmer Twins

What is this?

It is an interesting website devoted to children for making animated stories. Students can make their own animation, adding the dialogues and on-screen text.